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Case Studies


Quick Service Restaurants
Nusa Kitchen 🍜

Nusa is a chain of Singaporean Quick Service Restaurants in London that wanted to introduce a customer rewards programme that matched the pace of their business while providing real customer insights. 

Their initial success after only two weeks illustrates how attractive Magic Stamp is to customers, maximising uptake.

3000+ customers in first 3 months
200+ customers added per week

Rural Single Site Businesses
The Station Hair and Beauty 💅

The Station Hair and Beauty are a standalone site in a small village in Essex. They needed a loyalty programme which worked well for a successful rural business.

After only 3 months on Magic Stamp they’ve got more than 500 customers on board - almost 15% of the entire villages population!

15% of the village signed up
500+ customers on board

International Rewards Programmes
Ozone Coffee 🌏

Ozone Coffee are leading coffee specialists with locations across London and New Zealand who wanted a single digital loyalty card they could use to reward customers, wherever they are.

Their global digital stamp has been running for 3 months and has hundreds of weekly users!

3 international cities
4000 Magic Stamp visits in 3 months

Brands on Magic Stamp

Don’t take it from us

....My customers love it, some come back multiple times a day just to use the app..يحب زبائني ذلك ، ويعود البعض عدة مرات في اليوم لمجرد استخدام التطبيق....
— ....Alex (Barista), Secret Frog Cafe..أليكس (باريستا) ، مقهى الضفدع السري....
....Excellent alternative to carrying loyalty cards, clever idea well executed..بديل ممتاز لحمل بطاقات الولاء ، فكرة ذكية جيدة التنفيذ....
....The digital stamp is magic technology. Needs to be experienced to be believed. No kidding..الختم الرقمي هو تقنية سحرية. يحتاج إلى الخبرة ليتم تصديقه. لا تمزح.....
....Having all of my loyalty cards in one place is wonderful- no more digging through my bag to locate (or more often than not, not locate) the correct card. Love the design - very user-friendly. Have also discovered great new cafes thanks to the app. Excited about seeing more and more cafes turning to this solution!..إن امتلاك جميع بطاقات الولاء الخاصة بي في مكان واحد أمر رائع - لا مزيد من البحث في حقيبتي لتحديد (أو في كثير من الأحيان ، عدم تحديد موقع) البطاقة الصحيحة. أحب التصميم - سهل الاستخدام للغاية. اكتشفوا أيضًا مقاهي جديدة رائعة بفضل التطبيق. متحمس لرؤية المزيد والمزيد من المقاهي تتحول إلى هذا الحل!....
....This is a life saver - I’m always losing paper stamp cards and now I never have to worry! Also it has really cool selection of places like Palm Vaults and Benk & Bo which I wouldn’t have found otherwise..هذا منقذ للحياة - أفقد دائمًا بطاقات الطوابع الورقية والآن لا داعي للقلق مطلقًا! كما أنه يحتوي على مجموعة رائعة حقًا من الأماكن مثل Palm Vaults و Benk & Bo التي لم أكن لأجدها بخلاف ذلك....


Magic Stamp Live

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