2020 - Our year in numbers

What a crazy year 2020 has been, a true rollercoaster. We were devastated to see the vast majority of Magic Stamp businesses close their doors for lockdowns in the UK and abroad. Since then we have been so proud to see the hard work, dedication and innovation of our businesses to fight back in the most difficult of circumstances. These businesses were backed up by the most loyal customers who have done everything they can to support their favourite locals. It’s been such a difficult year for so many but there’s light at the end of the tunnel and we’ve been truly heart warmed to see our community bounce back so strongly since March.

Here at Magic Stamp, we believe that data always tells a story. With that in mind, here’s is our year in numbers.

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With the emergence of Covid-19 and the devastation of nationwide lockdowns in March we quickly recognised we had to adapt to support our businesses through a new normal of lockdowns, social distancing and minimal contact. We immediately set to work on 3 key new features: Magic Vouchers, Magic Delivery and Gifting.

Vouchers - March

We wanted to create a simple way to help businesses to boost their cashflow during lockdown and it was an instant hit - generating many amazing responses from our community with customers pre-purchasing vouchers to use once their favourite businesses were allowed to reopen. We were blown away by the support customers were willing to provide.

Magic Delivery - April

Take-away orders have been vital to businesses in 2020 and Magic Delivery has been an important part of that! Giving our partners the opportunity to provide a remote stamp with a delivery, allowed them to offer the same in-store experience remotely.


Bounce-back-o-meter - July

Things were now looking a little rosier and we were so excited to see so many of our businesses begin to bounce back from the chaos of the previous few months. we wanted to found a way to help our businesses measure their bounce back to normality. Enter the bounce-back-o-meter, a new feature for the Magic Portal to help businesses to measure progress and set targets to restore some form of normality.

1 millionth stamp! - August

As more restrictions were lifted and Rishi Sunak introduced the Eat Out To Help Out scheme we saw our numbers climbing. That resulted in the 1 millionth Magic Stamp awarded and we were super chuffed with that achievement.

App of the day - September

We were humbled to have Magic Stamp chosen by the Apple Team as the ‘App of the day’ in September 2020! Totally unexpected but a testament to all the businesses and customers that made this possible.

Awards - September


Our hard work has been recognised with two awards by LuxLife Magazine. Magic Stamp has been chosen as Best Multi-Brand Digital Loyalty Platform 2020 and Most Innovative Retail Product 2020.

Gifting - October

Sending a gift to your friends and families via Magic Stamp was another milestone for us and our partners. Thanks to this feature customers get that warm fuzzy feeling of sending somebody special a treat, while businesses get more customer referred to them with a free treat.

Worldwide Community

Since the beginnings of Magic Stamp we’ve been hugely fortunate to work with some of the best businesses in the UK. Businesses from across the globe have seen Magic Stamp and wanted it for themselves. Over the course of 2020 we added 15 new countries to our roster. We’re so proud to say that Magic Stamp now operates in 22 countries across the globe and counting!


Thank you!

We want to take a moment and thank all our business partners and users for spreading the magic with us in 2020. We couldn’t have done it without you.

This is just the beginning, we have much, much more to come….

It’s been a difficult year for all but we’re so excited to work with all our businesses new and old in what we hope is a far more prosperous 2021 for all!

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