Recommendations are a great way for your customers to spread the word about your brand. To help make this easier and more rewarding than ever, we’ve introduced Gifting.

Customers can choose to send their earned rewards to friends and family, directly in the app, meaning they get that warm fuzzy feeling of sending somebody special a treat, and you get more customers. It’s a win-win situation.


How it works:

Open the Magic Stamp app on your phone and

1) Tap ‘Send a gift’ on the home screen

2) Pick your reward and write a message

3) Wrap and send!

This will turn your reward into a Magic Code that can be claimed via the home screen.

The best way for customers to recommend your business to friends!

Why is it good for businesses?

With Gifting, you keep your loyal customers happy by offering them a simple way to share their rewards, while also allowing your business to attract new customers from their friends and family who may bring you new customers too..

When they visit your store to claim the gift, they will experience your business products, services, and atmosphere which may lead to them becoming loyal customers as well.

Why is it good for users?

You can send your rewards to whoever you want along with a nice message. You get the same buzz that you get when you give someone a gift, just online!

Here are some situations, where you might want to give your rewards away.

Surprising someone you love

Everyone loves to receive gifts, it makes them feel special and lets them know that you care about them. If you have a reward that you’re not really that fussed about using, then why not make someone else’s day? Whether it’s a colleague, your mum, or just a friend - the warm feeling that you will get, will be well worth the effort.

Be the ‘influencer’ of your group.

Are you the person in your group who recommends new places to try?

Then, this feature will be a great tool for you to make your favourite places the new group meeting place.

Your rewards are about to expire.

This was why we created this feature. Your hard-earned rewards, shouldn’t just disappear off into the ether. However, there are times when you might not be able to redeem them, so why not give them to someone that you know?

It was something that our business partners and users kept asking for and, ta-da! We have created it.

There are loads more reasons why you might want to pass your rewards to someone else.

Tell us yours in the comment section.

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